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  • Bird watching

    Bird watching

    Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus)

  • Bird watching

    Bird watching

    Balearic warbler

  • Bird watching

    Bird watching

    Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

Bird watching in Ibiza

Ibiza has a wide variety of species that can be found in its diverse natural environment. One of the best places for birdwatching in Ibiza is the Ses Salines Natural Park, a protected area encompassing the Es Cavallet beach area and the Es Freus peninsula. One of the area’s main characteristics is its popularity with nesting, wintering and migrating waterfowl and sea birds. Birds like flamingos, yellow-legged gulls, black-legged terns, tufted cormorants, little egrets and white spoonbills can be seen here. Another place recommended for birdwatching in Ibiza is the Ses Feixes wetland in the bay of Talamanca. It is home to a variety of water birds, such as ducks, mallards, coots and stilts, among other species. You can also spot birds in Ibiza’s mountainous areas, such as the Santa Inés and Las Nieves mountain ranges, where you can spot species like the Balearic warbler, the crested tit and the short-toed eagle.

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