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  •  With Responsible Tourism, We preserve our environment

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  •  With Responsible Tourism, we encourage the consumption of local product

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  • With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  •  With Responsible Tourism, We conserve our heritage

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  •  With Responsible Tourism, We develop new technology sectors

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  •  With Responsible Tourism, We help to deseasonalise

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

  •  With Responsible Tourism, We create jobs

    With Responsible Tourism

    Positive tourism

Positive tourism

In the Balearic Islands, we believe in tourism that creates opportunities. We believe in a tourism model that leaves a positive mark on our territory and our families, that contributes to protecting our cultural and natural heritage, that strengthens the economy of our islands, and in which, above all, coexistence between tourists and residents is a satisfactory, friendly and balanced reality. Because we love our homeland and we know what we want: friendly and respectful tourism. Responsible tourism.

With Responsible Tourism, We encourage the comsumption of local productsWith Responsible Tourism, We create jobsWith Responsible Tourism, We preserve our environment

Responsible tourism in the Balearic Islands

Tourism in our community is much more than visitors enjoying our beaches and landscapes or any of the many attractions present in each of the islands, it is part of our life and it is a way of sharing our homeland with other people and opening the doors of our paradise. But not everything goes: we believe in and are committed to responsible tourism that helps to improve our quality of life.

With responsible tourism, we help to preserve our heritage, we promote the maintenance and creation of new stable jobs that benefit entire families, and not only in the hotel and catering industry, but also in the other industries and in the business fabric of the islands. Responsible tourism provides new training opportunities, generates and accumulates experience that helps to develop new tools and implement new technologies.

In short, Responsible Tourism can design and promote a more sustainable territory, as well as more accessible and coherent spaces and services for both visitors and residents.

The promotion of a local economy, the encouragement of the consumption of local products and deseasonalisation are also pillars on which a model of Responsible Tourism is built. Every time a visitor enjoys a local product, goes on a cultural visit, tastes any of the dishes of our splendid gastronomy, or stays in one of our regulated accommodation options, they are supporting all industries of our economy, making it more robust and guaranteeing our future.

The Government of the Balearic Islands is committed to promoting a model based on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism throughout the year, which respects, protects and cares for our homeland and the people who live here. Let us work together so that tourism remains a source of opportunity, well-being and pride for all of us. Because together we will go further.

With Responsible Tourism, We conserve our heritageWith Responsible Tourism, We develop new technology sectorsWith Responsible Tourism, We help to deseasonalise

The Sustainable Tourism Tax (ITS)

Also closely linked to tourism and with the intention of ensuring that this industry in the Balearic Islands is based on an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable model, is the Sustainable Tourism Tax (STT), a huge collective piggy bank. These funds are used to finance the improvement of infrastructure and public facilities, heritage conservation, to address the challenges posed by climate change, such as improvements in the management of the water cycle or energy efficiency, to strengthen the quality of training systems for our citizens, and to promote the deseasonalisation through the generation of new offerings linked to sport and culture.

Projects that improve our quality of life and ensure that our wonders remain intact for future generations.

More info at illesostenibles.travel

Responsible tourism in the Balearic Islands

Enjoy your holidays responsibly