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  •  Historical complex Estellencs

    Historical complex Estellencs

    A beautiful historical ensemble of medieval ancestry.

  •  Historical complex Estellencs

    Historical complex Estellencs

    A beautiful historical ensemble of medieval ancestry.

  •  Historical complex Estellencs

    Historical complex Estellencs

    A beautiful historical ensemble of medieval ancestry.

Historical complex Estellencs

The village of Estellencs, in the Tramuntana mountains, is one of the smallest municipalities in Majorca. It still boasts a historical centre with strong medieval traits that was officialy declared a Bien de Interés Cultural (Good of Cultural Interest) in 2007. The neighbourhoods of s’Arraval, sa Vileta and the Centre are a network of narrow streets with steps that adapt to the relief and thus attach a high construction and landscape value to the whole.

The village of Estellencs is configured to face the sea, within a steep valley on the western part of the Tramuntana mountains, which is considered a World Heritage site. It is one of the smallest municipalities in Majorca: its surface area is only 13 km2 and it has a population of around 400 inhabitants.

The network of streets in Estellencs dates back to the Middle Ages. It is a maze of narrow, steep and winding streets and culs‑de-sac that make vehicle traffic difficult or impossible, so most drivers stay on the roads and the historical centre has little or no vehicle circulation.

The town has been declared a Bien de Interés Cultural.

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