Honey with the seal of guarantee of ÉsMel, an association in defence of the indigenous bees of Mallorca
Only honey produced on the island can be classed as being from Mallorca. This is the case of the honey produced by Onofre Mir, a retired teacher who for 40 years had a passion for bees, and who today keeps hives on various farms in the area of Es Raiguer, hence the name of his honey, Mel es Raiguer.
Apiculture is a passion and a way of life for Onofre Mir, a retired teacher who worked at Campanet and who for 40 years has combined his work with his love of bees. Today, he produces artisanal Mallorcan honey made on various farm estates in Campanet (Mallorca): Mel es Raiguer.
Onofre has always liked honey. One day, a friend invited him to visit an apiary, which awoke in him a curiosity for beekeeping. He began setting up his own hives and taking a real interest in how to keep bees. He has since become so much more than a simple hobbyist, and his honey bears the seal of guarantee of ÉsMel, an association in defence of the indigenous bee of Mallorca, and has won first prize at the Llubí Honey Fair on several occasions.
Through lots of hard work, Onofre Mir produces two kinds of Mallorcan honey under the Mel es Raiguer brand: his spring honey, with a clear colour and smooth taste, and his autumn honey, darker and with a more intense flavour, coming as it does from the carob flower.
Both are raw honeys, natural and additive-free, strained and decanted in the workshop using artisanal methods, and at no point is it heated, which would alter the honey, meaning it becomes naturally solidified.
You can buy Mel es Raiguer honey at the Llubí and Sa Pobla markets, and on the farms where it is made, although production runs are very limited. Customers of Onofre Mir value the fact that the honey is truly from Mallorca (produced is not the same as packaged) and is of such exceptional quality. “We need to be moving towards organic agriculture,” explains Onofre Mir, “preserving Mallorca’s natural spaces and protecting them more efficiently, planting indigenous and diverse flora so that the bees have a variety of pollen types to help improve their health.” Because it’s also a matter of our own health.
Terme municipal Campanet 07310, Campanet - Mallorca
+34 678 81 40 11