The village with the best-conserved taula on Minorca
The village of Torralba d'en Salort is home to the most spectacular taula on the island of Minorca, slender in proportion and painstaking in its craftsmanship.
The talayotic village of Torralba d'en Salort is made up of two talayots, a hypostyle room, the remains of dwellings and an area with a taula, its most noteworthy element.
With its horseshoe-shaped layout, it was used for religious rites for the fertility of the fields, the cattle and the people. Records remain of sacrifices of small animals--sheep, goats, pigs--which were offered up to the divinity, probably depicted on the taula.
This one is the best conserved taula on the island and the only one facing east. It is made of two huge blocks of smoothly cut stone, and soars to a height of 5 m. To the left of the taula is an altar where a small bronze statue of a bull was found along with two terracotta figures representing the goddess Demeter, which reinforces the idea that the place was used to worship divine forces linked to fertility.
Ctra. de Torralba 07760, Alaior - Menorca
+34 971 36 86 78